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8 Reasons Infant's and Children Need Chiropractic

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia

1301 Elmwood Avenue

Columbia, SC 29201


[email protected]

8 Reasons Infants and Children need Chiropractic too

Lets start by saying I adjust my Children, and Yes they are all up to date on their Vaccinations. It's a Personal Choice and I believe in Vaccinations. Now Lets get to the Reasons Why Babies and young Children go to the Chiropractor. Here are some of the questions you might have. Do babies have back pain? How do I know if my baby needs to see a Chiropractor? What can you do to Help? These are great questions and concerns. Not Every baby needs to see a Chiropractor, but if your Baby Experiences with any of these issue's and nothing seem to work Chiropractic offer's you an all Natural Option.

8 Reasons Infants and Children need Chiropractic too

  1. Birth Trauma: Yes being born is traumatic for the mother as well as the child. It's a beautiful process but trauma does happen. Studies show 90% of babies born have some sort of trauma. If your Baby Did have a Traumatic Delivery you should have them check out by a Chiropractor.
  2. Trouble Breathing: This is very serious, Please go to your Pediatrician First, Then give us a try we can help. We adjust and Use various Muscular Rehab technique's.
  3. Re flux/Spitting up: This is everyday Baby stuff, or is it? If it's becoming a problem seek us out. We can Help.
  4. Irritability/Colic: All babies are not Irritable or Colical. A baby in pain and discomfort will let you know. Get them check out.
  5. Difficulty Nursing: Suck reflex not Strong, Chiropractic can help.
  6. Balance Issues: We can Help. Adjusting just Helps.
  7. Sleeping Difficulty: A baby having problems will not get the rest needed. Adjustment help with this as well.
  8. Delayed Development: This is a Big one. Sometimes it only take a simple Adjustment in the Right place to Make a World of Difference.

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia's main purpose for working with Children and Baby's is to remove Nerve Pressure. By removing Nerve Pressure your Baby will Grow and Develop, to be their Very Best. We are all born with the innate ability to heal, unless something is causing them to have Nerve Pressure.

I have been working on my Patient's Children for Years. We are a Family Practice in Downtown Columbia, with Years of Experience with Children. Adjusting babies is very gentle and very quick. The Great News is Baby's Respond Very Fast and Don't require long Treatments.

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia Success Stories:

A few Months back, a Local Nurse Practitioner, with her Husband brought her 4 month old Baby in. The Baby wasn't eating and hadn't had a Bowl Movement for a couple weeks. She explained to me about all the Problems her baby was having. We Examined and Adjusted her Baby. It was very easy and quick. Then I taught them the I Love U massage, and showed them how to do it on their baby at home. Two Day's Later they came back and announced 15 minutes after the adjustment the baby had a bowl movement, and was starting to eat again. On the Third Visit the Baby was thriving and all was well, and back to Normal.

My Next Story Is a Baby who was Failing to Thrive. This Baby was only a few days old, and they hadn't given the Baby a Name yet. They were afraid to Name her. The Baby wasn't eating, crying, Nothing. She heard from a Friend of a Friend, I adjusted Children, and brought her in. I adjusted her and It was like turning on a light switch. The Baby's Color changed almost immediately from grayish to Pink. That was an amazing day I will Remember Forever. I did see Angel for a few months, and made a Lifelong Friends with that Family. It's Just Great Being a Chiropractor.

I want to Give Thanks to Dr. Maxine McMullen RN,DC,FICCP. If it wasn't for her I wouldn't of been the kind of Chiropractor I am Today. She Taught all of us at Palmer Chiropractic College on how to adjust Babies, and Children, and what to Look for, and how to do it.

Dr. Maxine McMullen, one of the icons of chiropractic and a pioneer of chiropractic pediatrics. Dr. McMullen passed away January 16, 2018 leaving a legacy of the love, leadership and encouragement for her family, friends and students. Dr. McMullen believed life was to be led to the fullest and she dedicated hers to her family of origin and her family of chiropractic encompassing thousands of patients, students and colleagues, many who claimed her friendship over the years.

I would Love the opportunity to be your Family's Chiropractor. We can see you Today! Just Call 803-888-6221 or Visit us on the Web at

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia

1301 Elmwood Avenue

Columbia, SC 29201


[email protected]

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