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Text Neck is Very Real and It Hurts "Watch Out"

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia

1301 Elmwood Avenue

Columbia, SC 29201


[email protected]

Text Neck is Very Real and It Hurts “Watch Out”

It’s time to put down the Phone and pay attention to the real world when it comes to our phone use. In many cases, it seems like smart phones are running our lives. Do you feel like people pay more attention to their phone than they do to you? More and More people just check and stare at their phones all day making sure they are not missing out. Not only is this overuse, but it leads to a whole host of Neck, and Back, Pain problems. Let’s start with, “Text Neck”.

Text Neck 

Chiropractors see everyday the devastating effects of “Text Neck”. A slouched posture which commonly develops from over use of your phone and computer. This slumped posture does cause severe intense pain. For many sufferers who don’t understand how their discomfort was produced, it causes gradual aches and pains that occur in the neck. Text neck not only causes neck pain, but also upper back, shoulder pain, and in some cases intense excruciating headaches, that seem never to go away.

The habit of looking down at the Phone to Play Games, Surf the Internet, check your Facebook, Shop Online, Watch Videos on Youtube, causes us to not use our Neck Muscles and just let our Head Hang and get Weak. Your Neck becomes unstable and starts to become prone to constant Injuries.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to make the connection that the patient’s neck pain is coming from their phone use. As patients present with neck pain and describe the history as coming on gradually for no apparent reason like car accident, or Sports injury. With little or no additional input, it can be difficult to determine the cause of these aches and pains.

However, a Great Chiropractor knows right away what might be causing your Intense Neck Pain. We see it in our office all the time. People work long hours at the computer, and their Neck is killing them. Forward head Positions “Text Neck” is the leading cause intense and debilitating Neck Pain in 2018.

Perfect Cervical Alignment

The healthy neck has a Lordotic Shaped Curve, that is Strong, Flexible, and Moves with the weight of your Head. When the neck is out of this neutral position, it distorts the natural Lordotic curve changes. When the Neck in not in alignment it slowly deforms the supporting ligaments of the Cervical Spine. Eventually, this will cause a decrease of the Lodotic Cervical Curve, and form a Weak Injury Prone Straight Neck. We call this a Military Neck, and it causes all sorts of Neck pain, decreased mobility, Fleabiltiy Issures. This is the Leading cause of Neck pain, and Advance Cervical Arthritis. The unbalanced overly stretched supporting spine ligaments add stress to joints, nerves, discs, and muscles. These structures will wear out and cause premature degeneration of the neck with associated bulging discs and numbness with tingling radiates down your arms. Muscles will also become overly active and very tight. As you can see, Text Neck can become a nightmare to deal with. We understand that so many people turn to over the counter medications like Tylenol and Advil. We offer you a All Natural Drug Free Approach at the Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia. We have years of Experience treating patients with Intense Neck Pain. We offer a Full Muscular Rehab Department which we are able to handle the Worst Cases. We also offer a host of different techniques to get your Cervical Spine Corrected and Aligned. Be your Very Best don't let Text Neck take you out of the Game. Let us Help! We can See you Today! Just Call 803-888-6221 Or Visit us on the Web at

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia

1301 Elmwood Avenue

Columbia, SC 29201


[email protected]

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