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1301 Elmwood Avenue Columbia, SC 29201 United States
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15 Reason to Be Examined by a Chiropractor after a Car Accident

15 Reasons to be Examined by a Chiropractor after a Car Accident

  1. You might be seriously injured and not know how bad it really is.

  2. Serious Injuries Like Whiplash, might not show symptoms until days later.

  3. Most effective treatment time is 72 hours after an accident.

  4. There might not be much damage to your car, but a majority of injuries occur 6-12mph range.

  5. Soft-tissue injury can be permanent.  

  6. Muscles become less flexible and prone to re-injury without Chiropractic care.

  7. Research shows the longer you wait for Chiropractic treatment the longer it takes to get better.

  8. Injuries can sometimes not heal without treatment. Ex. Neck Pain and Headaches.

  9. Chiropractors can collect information to prove that you were injured in your Car Accident.

  10. Car accidents are covered by your car insurance and not your medical insurance.

  11. You don't need Health insurance to cover your care.

  12. In most cases there are no out of pocket expenses.

  13. Having a Chiropractor on you side will help you prove your damages.

  14. Chiropractor's work with your Attorney's to help you build your case.

  15. If your not injured,  You can sleep better at night knowing you had a complete exam and X-rays and found out nothing was damaged.

We at the Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia believe in giving you, the Patient, the Best Care Possible.  We have years of experience working with Attorney's and building cases for our Patients.  We want you to get everything you deserve.  We do not shy away from court. We come prepared and ready to defend.  At the end of the day we are here to help you, get through a difficult time in your life.

Dr. Norbert W. Benson II

Chiropractic Professionals of Columbia

1301 Elmwood Avenue

Columbia, SC 29201


[email protected]

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